OVpay: checking in and out with your debit card

OVpay is the new way of checking in and out. You can check in and out with your contactless debit card, credit card or with the payment app on your mobile phone in the region Zuidoost-Brabant. Very useful if you only travel occasionally by public transport. You can still use an OV-chipkaart or purchase a regular ticket. Choose what suits you best. You can recognize the buses where this is possible by the OVpay sticker at the entrance of the bus.

How does it work?

  1. Checking in. You get on the bus and check in with your contactless debit card, credit card or your debit card on your mobile phone. No need to pre-register or download an app.

  2. Checking out. Getting off the bus means checking out! Check out with the same card you checked in with.

  3. Costs. The payment is automatic. You find the paid amount in your payment overview with the description NLOV. The price for your trip is equal to traveling with an OV-chipkaart without discount or subscription. In 2022 you can also travel with discount.

  4. Overview. You can check your travel history via this webtool. Enter the 14 numbers and letters that appear behind NLOV on your payment overview. The tool shows all trips and travel costs.

    Forgot to check out? Simply request a refund via our customer service.

Tip: take your debit card out your wallet to check in. If you hold your entire wallet in front of the check-in machine, the machine may take another card.


You can check in and out with your contactless debit card, credit card and your mobile phone in more and more regions in the Netherlands. Want to know where this is already possible?