Day Ticket Zeeland

Easy and inexpensive all-day travel by bus

You get:

Valid one day
Unlimited travel on all Connexxion buses. Buy the ticket via the Transdev app

€ 23.75

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Valid where?

The Day ticket Zeeland is valid on all Connexxion buses in the province of Zeeland.

Valid when?

It is valid from when you first check-in to the end of the same day's timetable.


The Day Ticket Zeeland costs € 23.75

The Day Ticket is also available at a reduced rate as a Off-peak Day Ticket passengers travelling atter 09.00 hrs.


  • Is valid for 1 person
  • Unlimited travel and changing buses as often as needed.


  • ​Buy this ticket in advance as an E-ticket
  • Buy the ticket via the Transdev app
  • You can buy the ticket from the bus driver of the regular bus (not from the driver of local buses). Simply pay with a debit or credit card. Cash payment is not possible.

Want to continue your journey to Belgium?

If you continue on line 42 to Belgium, from Sluis with De Lijn, you can already buy a ticket from the bus driver to travel with the carrier De Lijn.


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